Spitting Feathers’ Brewery
Read ABout Us

A Little Bit
About us
Spitting Feathers Brewery is born of enthusiasm for great beer. We believe every beer you drink is an opportunity, an experience and should be worth drinking; hence our motto- “life’s too short for crap beer!”. That’s not to say beer, or the talk around it, should be overcomplicated or overhyped; beer is unlikely to bring about world peace, but it should bring great pleasure.
To that end we take the best of traditional techniques and combine these with modern innovations, materials and ingredients to bring you distinctive beers with character.
We are also massive pub lovers. Pubs are important community assets and focal points and play an essential role in social cohesion. Pubs are welcoming, safe places to socialise and have fun; there’s nowhere we’d rather be. So, to play our part, we have created two pubs (so far)-
In 2008 we opened our first pub, The Brewery Tap in Chester, to the delight of Chester’s thirsty beer drinkers and it quickly won all the local and regional pub awards available.
In 2014 we opened our second pub, the West Kirby Tap in ..errr.. West Kirby. It’s a fantastic pub in a great place, check it out!

In Spring 2005 Matthew Walley cashed his pension savings (at 33, he figured he shouldn’t need them too soon), spent it all on brewing equipment and set about brewing with mate Terry Ashford without telling anyone. Even before the paperwork and personal relationships were sorted Old Wavertonian had won Beer of the Festival at CAMRA Northwich Beer Festival 2005- the first beer festival we were entered into- and we haven’t looked back since.
Driven by our enthusiasm for great beer, Spitting Feathers has continued to grow and evolve into a modern, forward thinking brewery producing exciting beers in keg, cask and bottle.
Farm to Fork! Spitting Feathers Brewery is based at Common Farm in Waverton, and is proud to be sustainable. Solar panels on our purpose built cool room generate electricity, and the used grains from the brewery are valuable feed for the cattle and pigs that provide the brewery and our pubs with meat. Bee hives behind our staff bar (where trial brews are drunk and argued over) provide honey for our pubs and seasonal beer, Honey Trap.